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3-D Secure and Transaction Notifications on UTGL Asset Link Credit Card
3-D Secure and Transaction Notifications on UTGL Asset Link Credit Card

Stay alert and take control of your credit card via notifications.

Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

You can configure the notification settings on the Card page to receive the following notifications via SMS, Email, and WhatsApp:

3-D Secure code notifications:

It is a protocol that protects the credit and debit card transactions with an extra layer of security for online purchases. Once you turn them on, you will receive a notification that contains a 3-D Secure code to complete the verification process. Below is a step-by-step guide to enabling 3-D Secure notifications:

  1. Navigate to 'Card' under 'Main Menu'.

  2. Select the card which you wish to configure notification settings from the list of Card accounts.

  3. Once the card overview page appears, click 'Notification Settings' in the upper right corner.

  4. In the subsequent popup, turn on the 3-D Secure code notifications you wish to receive with (SMS/WhatsApp), click 'Apply'.


As many online merchants require 3-D Secure verification, we recommend you to turn on the notification to ensure your successful reception of the 3-D Security code, so that online transactions can go as smoothly as possible.

Transaction Notifications:

They are notification messages that alert you to card activities involving your credit card and provide details about the transactions. Below is a step-by-step guide to enabling transaction notifications:

  1. Navigate to 'Card' under 'Main Menu'.

  2. Select the card which you wish to configure notification settings from the list of Card accounts.

  3. Once the card overview page appears, click 'Notification Settings' in the upper right corner.

  4. In the subsequent popup, turn on the transaction notifications and receiving method you desire (SMS/WhatsApp), click 'Apply'.


Disabling SMS/Email/WhatsApp transaction notifications may weaken your awareness of the activities taking place on your credit card, leaving it vulnerable to fraudulent and illegal transactions. Therefore, please enable your transaction notifications at all times.

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