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How is the Annual Percentage Yield (APY) calculated and adjusted?
How is the Annual Percentage Yield (APY) calculated and adjusted?
Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

APY, or annual percentage yield, is a measure of the return on an investment over a year. APY is calculated by taking into account the amount of time the investment is held, the total return on the investment (including rewards earned), and any associated fees.

How is it calculated?

The formula for calculated APY is:

APY = (total return/initial investment) x (365/investment period) x 100%

APY Adjustment for Flexible Products

The APY for flexible products is adjusted daily based on the rewards earned through on-chain subscriptions. This means that the APY value is updated daily to reflect the current rewards earned from the network. It's important to note that the specific value of the APY will vary based on the value displayed on the page for that day.

As such, it's recommended to regularly check the value of the APY to stay informed about the potential returns of a staking investment.


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