I forgot my password. How to reset my password?

If you forgot password or have issues logging in, the following steps will guide you to regain access to your account.

Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

Reset Password

Contact your Relationship Manager or our Customer Service center by clicking on the icon on the lower right corner of this screen to make a password change request.

Create New Password

  1. When the password is reset, you will receive a notification in regard via email. Then, type in your account email in the portal login page at https://account.utgl.io/login, click 'Continue' and proceed to the security verification page.

  2. Upon logging in, you will receive an email containing a verification code. Enter the code into the boxes on the security verification page, click 'Verify Email'.

  3. After you pass the security verification, you can proceed to set up a new password for your account, then click 'Continue'.

    *To fulfill the platform's password complexity requirements, please take note of the following key points when creating the password:

    1. Must be at least 8 characters long.

    2. Contains uppercase and lowercase alphabets.

    3. Contains numbers and special characters.

  4. Once the new password is successfully created, you will be redirected to your account's Overview page.

*Tips on creating a secure password:

  • Select a password that is strong, secure, and easy to remember.

  • Do not associate your passwords with anything personal, such as birthdays, names, phone numbers, or other familiar words.

  • Do not use ATM or phone banking PIN as your password.

  • Do not use part of your Username as the password.

  • Do not use repetitive characters (e.g., abababab, 68686868).

  • Create a unique password with a combination of characters and numbers.

  • Memorize your passwords. Never write it down or reveal it to anyone, not even family or friends. - - Do not access third-party websites within the same internet browser session during the Internet Banking Service.

  • Change your passwords regularly.

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